Visit of Imam Naseem Bajwa to PISAI

As a follow up of the visit Prof. Francesco Zannini paid to the leader of the Ahmadiyya, Khalifatul Masih V, Mirza Masroor during the International Yearly Meeting (Jalsa Salana) of the Ahmadiyya in the Hampshire, in August 2015, Imam Naseem Bajwa, Imam of the Mosque Baitul Futuh in London, known also as Morden Mosque, came with a delegation of Ahmadi Muslims, last Tuesday, May the 17th, to PISAI to meet Prof. Zannini and to visit our Institution. The Dean of Studies, Fr. Diego Sarrió Cucarella, guided the Imam in his visit, offering him a presentation of the courses and teaching methods of PISAI. He then led him to a visit to the Library where the Imam made a gift of some of his writings to the Prefect of the Library. Finally the Imam and his delegation met Prof. Zannini in his office for a friendly conversation on religious matters, during which the Imam congratulated for the role PISAI is playing in Muslim-Christian dialogue.

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