April 2016 Lecture by Tobias Specker, sj

Thursday 21 April 2016 at 5pm Lecture by Professor Tobias Specker, sj, Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschule Sankt Georgen, Frankfurt, Teaching Catholic Theology in the Light of Islam. Some Reflections on Contextuality and Comparability.
Since October 2014, Jesuit Dr. Tobias Specker has been Head and Professor of the Chair of ‘Catholic Theology in the Light of Islam’ at the Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschule Sankt George in Frankfurt. The title of his thesis, during his course of studies at the Institute for the Study of Culture and the Religion of Islam at the Goethe University in Frankfurt, is: ‘From Heresiology to Theology of Religions. The Interpretation of the Figure of Paul in Selected Contexts of Muslim Thought’. He is deeply involved within the field of Muslim-Christian relations in Germany where, among others, he has collaborated and continues to do so with the CIBEDO of Frankfurt. He has and continues to deliver lectures on this theme, and has published a great deal about interreligious dialogue, in particular Muslim-Christian, as well as about his evaluation of Islam from the point of view of Catholic theology. His knowledge of the Islamic world is not purely theoretical: Dr. Specker was responsible for relations with Muslims in the Diocese of Speyer, and has also worked with the Jesuit Refugee Service.


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